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CANCELED - AWLA Board of Directors Meeting - Zoom
AWLA Board of Directors Mtg.
Registration Info
Registration is required
Cancellation Policy:
If you register that you plan to attend, and need to cancel, please cancel your registration on the website. To cancel, log in, click on PROFILE, click on EVENT HISTORY, find the event, and click the trash can. If you have difficulties canceling on the website, please contact Joanne LaSalle ( to cancel your registration.
About this event
Zoom Meeting.
Call Instructions will be the same for all State Board Meetings this year.
Monthly Zoom Meetings—
3rd Thursday each month at 5:30pm
February 16
March 16
May 18
June 15
August 17
September 21
November 16
December 21
Quarterly In Person Board Meetings:
April 1—Tucson
July 8—Prescott
October 14—Phoenix